Hey, thanks for hanging out at Brave Enough, it's great to connect with you! You can check out my formalities at the bottom of the page, but for now let's get to the everyday stuff. I much prefer that!
It's been said that all good friendships are founded on transparency and being yourself, so let's start with being real. I'm not ashamed to admit that I like to have fun. I love a good clean prank and laughing until my ribs hurt. I love walks along the beach, deep conversations, visioning and creating to bring ideas to life...especially when it blesses someone! I have three great, adorable kids, and an amazingly supportive husband (who I'm pretty sure I drive completely up the wall!) I have a great life.
Great, but not perfect. Most of us naturally get ourselves into some kind of trouble without trying too hard, and that's not even taking into account all the curve balls of life that come hurling into our lives out of left field! Let's face it, life can have some tough blows and get pretty messy. Like most people, I've also experienced my own struggles, some that seemed to slap me in the face out of nowhere, stuff like abandonment, abuse, addiction, the loss of a baby, low self-worth, depression, toxic relationships and anxiety disorder. And of course, some other things that I brought upon myself.
Maybe you've been in some of these places too? And maybe like me, you've caught yourself wondering if and how you would ever survive this life, and if you would ever experience joy, love and hope again?
Sure, healing is not always easy, but it's so worth it! To have the life I have, I had to come to a place where I chose to be Brave Enough. Brave enough to learn how to love and be loved, to face my fears, and to take responsibility for my behaviour and to dream big, without giving up.
I've had to be brave enough to trust in God and who He is, to realise that I am not defined by the opinions and perceptions of other people. My sense of identity, and of complete love and peace is found only in Jesus.
If there's one thing I've learned, it's that God is...well, God. He can turn any mess into a masterpiece. He turns the fearful into the fearless, the hopeless into the hopeful and the broken into the beautiful! ...after all, He did it for me, ...and I know He wants to do the same for you! You are the apple of God's eye! He loves you despite your past and your imperfections...and He has an awesome plan your life!
Speaking around the world in ministry, I hear the same stories, over and over. Stories of deep hurt and pain, intense despair and loneliness. Stories of people stuck and feeling trapped and hopeless, but I also hear stories of hope. Stories of healing and restoration, freedom from bitterness, brokenness and addiction, of grace, mercy, redemption and love from those who found their hope in Jesus.
You see, true healing doesn't stop! Unlike a bad case of the flu, it should be contagious! Brave Enough is my legacy to you because of what God has done for me :) Brave Enough is here to encourage you, and gift you with resources and support to do the same.
So somehow, maybe even by the providence of God, you've found yourself here at Brave Enough...and I have to ask you:
What is it that you're facing in your life right now?...and will you choose to be ...Brave Enough?

Danni is the Founder and CEO of Brave Enough and host of a nationally syndicated radio show Big Brave Life in Australia. She is also the host of Brave Conversations Podcast, with Tom Mann, for AccessMore, USA (EMF/KLOVE).
It's her God-given passion to share openly through her messages on life issues, encouraging us to be brave enough to heal and find hope and freedom in the love of Jesus. Danni also has a huge passion for good mischief, being real and doing life together.
Danni is a dynamic preacher, television, radio podcast presenter and featured on various networks around the globe. She is also a Christian speaker, and author of the book "Every Heart’s Cry", and regular contributor to Gigi Magazine, and a qualified counsellor.
From live events at conferences, schools, corporate events, retreats, churches and schools, to co-hosting television series, interviewing guests, anchoring news, and presenting documentaries, as well as hosting podcasts, devotionals and radio, Danni has diverse experience in presenting, around the globe.
Her television ministry adventures have included The multi-award-winning Beyond the Search documentary series, The Epic series, Record Infocus, Recovery Road and Brave to Go. Danni has also worked in radio on 96three FM on Daytime with Danni and The Morning Buzz with Jay & Danni.
Danni is currently the host of Brave Enough's national radio show Big Brave Life, featured on various stations across Australia and Brave Conversations Podcast (with Tom Mann) on the AccessMore network USA. (EMF/KLOVE)
In her previous endeavours, Danni has worked as an outreach pastor, assistant pastor, counsellor, chaplain, and community centre manager, among other things.
Calling Australia home, Danni lives with her husband Mark, their children, Hannah, Adam and Logan ...and their cuddly fur baby Princess! -a Tenterfield Terrier/Cavalier cross.
She enjoys spending time with her family and friends or sipping a good almond chai latte. Danni also has fun designing and creating purposeful gifts like mugs, t-shirts and faith-inspired jewellery.